Monday, January 26, 2009

Back to work!

Well, I've been busy setting things up in other places...MySpace, Facebook, ACH seminars, the website, getting my house back together after Christmas, managing my mother's 'stuff,' etc.

So today we're back to our 'normal' schedule. Becca was SO excited to do spelling that we did that first. We've discovered a new phonogram...'r' is pronounced 'rawr!' lol! She laughed for ten minutes after that came out of her mouth. :-) Poor thing seems to be coming down with the flu now, after lunch. She's unhappy that she can't do the rest of her school work. Except reading. She's not THAT sick. :-)

So one of my goals is to help the kids take ownership of their own education. One part of that is learning to evaluate their own work. Today, Becca started right in on her math lesson, finished the whole thing, and got all of them wrong. That's because she was supposed to directions is SO important. And Mom is SO mean! Guess she'll remember to read the instructions next time.

I'm proud of Brian and Josh, as they are taking care of their own schedules. I even allowed them to set their schedule for this year. After some laxing, occasionally, their plowing ahead again.

My Asperger son, Jon, however, seems to come up with the attitude that he doesn't want to do what is 'forced on him against his will.' Ha! I laughed in his face when he said this, as there is little thing called 'authority.' Hmmm.. Mom is SO mean! So today, and upon Daniel's request, I typed up a list of their subjects, with columns to write in what they did each day. Daniel did a little dance. Jon, well, it's hard to tell how he feels about it. We'll see how it works for them. Daniel wants to keep track and see that he is doing all that is required of him. He is discovering that he actually likes that 'feeling of accomplishment' that comes from completing the list or crossing off the list.

Meanwhile I almost finished all the ironing, and a lot of the laundry.

Now, we're off to do a doctrine study - beginning with Justification.