Sunday, March 30, 2008

Monday's Plan...

Well, the best laid plans...this is what we're SUPPOSED to do tomorrow. (I'll let you know if it works.)

Up at 6:00 to put the final touches on the Government class. (First I'll call my mother in Georgia - she has Alzheimer's) I've decided that I can only lay down the basics from the text for Economics right now. Otherwise I'll go insane trying to figure it all out in order to teach it. So we'll just continue through the Bob Jones for this year's pass at the subject. Our conclusion will address the 10 Pillars from GACE. Next year, I'll lay down another layer.

Ami arrives between 8:00 and 8:30 for class. Josh gets to bow out, since he's arriving home from Mexico (Missions trip) tonight at 11:30ish. Tomorrow we'll attempt to conclude our foundational lessons on the Declaration of Independence. We'll finish Common Sense, too. The class ends at about 12:00ish. Included in the class is my 17ds, 14ds, 13ds and Ami who is 17.

While we're in class my 11ds, 9dd and 5ds will have lists to follow: change the sheets, clean their bathroom, vacuum certain areas of the house, dishes, laundry, care for the dogs, empty trash cans, etc. They will also help Drew go through his PreSchool lessons. I have put my Writing Road to Reading phonograms on the computer, on a Power Point lesson. Daniel and Becca can sit with Drew and go through the review lessons. I still have to learn how to put sound to the Power Point, so I'm sure the sounds they use are correct. I'm also working on a math lesson on Power Point. I found a great website that will quiz the basics and grade their progress, too.

At 12:00 I'll inspect the youngers' chores and then we'll have lunch.

After lunch I'm helping Daniel (11) write 1 or 2 more paragraphs on his report of Prince Henry the Navigator. This is due Tuesday for coop. The others each have their assignments: Brian has to finish his Physics module (Apologia) and study for any tests that might take place tonight in Civil Air Patrol. He is also supposed to work on the preliminary steps to building a swinging chair, which his dad will work on over the weekend with him. R & S Grammar, Ray's Arithmetic, Streams of Civilization and Abeka Literature ought to occupy him through the afternoon.

Jon will review his report on Oceanography and then he has lessons in Grammar, History, Social Studies, etc.

Drew (5) needs a review of his Power Point lesson to give on Tuesday at coop - the currents of the ocean. The highlight of this report is the fact that if you flush your toilet in the Northern Hemisphere, the vortex will go one way and if you flush it in the Southern Hemishphere, it'll go the other way. How cool is that?!

Daniel and Becca will work on any assignments that are left undone and that they can do on their own.

Then Daniel has dinner duty - what is he making? I can't remember - better go check the calendar. Dad is not home Monday night, so we might have left-overs instead. I think he's supposed to make Elk Stew, though. Oh! That means he has to start it in the Crock Pot during Government class (did you hear everything come to a screaching halt??)...Glad I'm typing this today and not tomorrow!

Brian has to leave by 6:00 or 7:00, depending on the schedule tonight, for CAP.

Josh will be unwinding himself from his trip to Mexico - all day, I'm sure! I can't wait to hear from him about all that he saw and learned.

Monday evening, I have to prepare for coop - we're concluding our study of the Explorers.

Monday night's Boy or the Ballerina Book? Eenie Meenie...

Bed by 10:00, to the reading of Black, by Ted Dekker. He's a very creative writer, and I look forward to those few minutes of hopping into another dimension.

If there's time, before dh gets home (around 9:45), I'll listen to a Bible study by Winkie Pratney on cd, sent to me by a friend.

Think it'll all happen?

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