Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday, in review

Well, like I said, the best laid plans...

Actuallly it went quite well today. Up at 7, not 6, but Ami didn't arrive until 9:00, which gave me about the same amount of time I was hoping for. My mother is unhappy, but expressing it as if she is happy. Up late because Josh didn't get home from his Mexico trip until almost midnight. When he left he was my height. Now he's an inch taller. Go figure!

Government class was a blast! We all kept talking over each other, because the topic was so engaging. The Declaration is barely given 2 pages in the Bob Jones text - nearly 100 pages in the Guide (which we call 'Steve' because the title is so long). Next week, I must have a test on the Declaration principles ready and we'll talk about the next section in the book, principles of politics. Then, on to the Constitution. Yeah! Class ended at 12:00.

Unfortunately, the youngers had a hard time getting back into the swing of things after their week-long break, so we didn't finish chores until about 2:00. Daniel finished his report and put together a power point of pictures to accompany it.

His plan for dinner is leftovers - I'm relieved. It will only take a short amount of time to put it all together. :-)

Josh had a great time in Mexico, and, I suspect, will want to go on more missions trips. Good for him! I think they share in church next Sunday.

My Asperger's son, age 13, had a hard day today - probably because we ate pizza yesterday. Drats! It wasn't until about 4:00 that he settled down. Sometimes weekends are the undoing of Mondays.

Still some stuff to do, but I have a moment to breathe. 17ds and 14ds left to do all sorts of things and then go to CAP. Brian looks so smart in the BDU's. The youngers are having some down time and 13ds has sequestered himself, needing some time to be alone. This is ok - he'll come out more resolved to reflect a good attitude.

Before dinner - pay bills, balance check book, schedule more propane, schedule to go see Behe on the 16th, plan for coop tomorrow, research Georgia law on something for my mother, other misc. stuff...I have 1.5 hours.

Only 4 children home for the evening. Whew!

In reflecting about Government class today, I thought it was interesting that the topic fits my other blog - on correcting a wrong in society. How cool is that!? I'll have to get that later, though...Gotta call Beth for an order from my website.

The best laid plans belong to the Lord. It's just that sometimes He's on a different schedule than I am! Thankful for His wisdom for today...

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