Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Well! Interesting day!

We went to coop and shared chili and cornbread. The kids had a blast seeing friends that we haven't seen in awhile. Daniel and Drew shared their reports, and so did Ivy. Topic of Moms' conversation? Asperger's! We have 2 in the group. Discipline for an Asperger's child is tricky at best. The object is to reach the child's heart - sometimes Asperger's looks like there IS no heart! It can be very frustrating and draining. My 13ds has shown so much maturity this year, in spite of some days when things are difficult. It takes time and the child's understanding that you want what is best for him/her.

Before coop I got a phone call from Georgia. They changed my mother's medication (without telling me) and now she is so confused that she goes to bed in the middle of the day because she thinks it's night. Argh! That's what I will do tomorrow morning - make calls to Georgia. I had a blessing though, from my Aunt Linda. She and my Uncle will drive my Mom out to CO, along with all of her things in June. I won't have to go out to GA and drive a UHaul back!

This afternoon I heard from Norma - what a wonderful surprise!

Then off to the chiropractor - I feel much better now, thank you very much!

Tomorrow we get a treat - we're going hiking with some friends (I hope it doesn't snow...it kind of looks like snow out there). Bri has a Physics class at 3:00 but he can drive himself (as long as there is no snow). We'll do our schoolwork in the afternoon, if there is time, but it's ok if we miss it tomorrow.

Then Thursday, Josh got a job at MOPS at our church, then has Physical Science along with Jon at 1:00 with our friend Ted.

Then a visit with Norma and Joseph - maybe youth group, too? Brian can drive Josh there, but not Joseph...

Had a God-sighting this week - I went to look at rooms for my mom when she moves out here, and they had a check for me. They forgot to give me back my deposit! The timing is quite interesting, since I'll need that for another deposit in June. :-)

My 5ds wants me to read the Bible to him every night now. And every night, after a verse here and there, he will put his hand on my arm and say "that's true, Mom!" And always, when Becca hears the Bible being read, she joins us.

Still haven't heard from Amy...

I posted the test for the Declaration principles on my website, in case it is of value to anyone. We've been having a fun conversation on the bibleprinciples elist about how to start and keep going with PA. What a wonderful bunch of ladies, full of wisdom! I feel blessed to be a part of it.

Between now and Thursday at 1:00, the two boys have to study for Science, and gather materials for the experiments. I think Josh still has to take the module test, too.

I need to study the Principle of Politics from 'Steve' tonight. Off to do that now! Dinner in 1/2 hour or so. No hubby tonight, but he's home tomorrow night.

It's a different week than I thought we'd have! Next week, a little more book time!

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