Monday, July 7, 2014

I'm baaaaaaack!

Hi Everyone,

I'm back from a long time of not posting anything. The short story is, well, I'm a home schooling mom. But occasionally, I find that things settle down a little. For instance, I have one graduating next school year and then there are only 2 left at home. It feels like a vacation.

School for next year will require many miles on my new car. (I haven't had a new one is a long while so the novelty is still fueling me. Sotospeak.)

I'm thinking something very active like Colorado History...paired with natural science/herbology/health and wellness/survival (zombie apocalypse survival, no less)/meteorology. I'm a home schooler. I can do that. We'll travel the state, examine plant life, bug life and animal life. This will include field dressing, encounters and tracking of animals (have YOU ever field dressed a squirrel?), making tinctures and knowing what they do, bug bites/stings, etc, and which ones can be eaten. Yes, we're going to eat bugs.

Much of the rest of what we do will remain the same but History/Geography/Science will take the greater portion of our studies.
Krav Maga classes for PE.
Home Ec, taught by Momzilla.
Khan Academy for math.
Foreign language on the internet.
Art through a local friend who is A.MAZ.ING.

As for me....
I'm taking life coaching classes, krav, art, going dancing at the local Country bar, editing my book (Yes, I WILL finish that, soon. I promise.), writing blogs, working as a CNA (will get my certificate soon), and generally 'fiddle farting around' as my mother used to say.

Carry on.

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