Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"Black" by Ted Dekker

I'd like to put in a plug for this unique book. I am nearly finished with Black. The next one is Red, and then White.

In Black, Mr. Dekker sets the stage for the Garden of Eden and the Fall. He does an excellent job at showing the contrast and the loss that was brought by the Fall is palpable. His portrayal of the Deceiver, Satan, is poignant. The tale is spun in such a way that I have nearly stood up in the middle of reading to cheer on the hero or to rail at the archenemy. It reminds me of the boy in the Never Ending Story and how he became part of the story.

I don't recommend the story for younger children, because it is a little scary. The demons are quite vivid and could cause night mares. It relates to the kind of portrayal that Peretti gives in his books. However, Heather, if you're reading this, I think Isaiah would love it.

I can't wait to pick up Red and find out how the Fall is 'fixed'.

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