Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's Snowing!!!!!!!!

So this is a week of new things...

New dog - Mocha. She's a chocolate lab, and twice the size of Toby. With a curly tail, like Kita. We're going to call up Raina (who gave her to Josh) and have all the kids stand around the phone and chant (to the tune of 'we like to move it, move it'), "We like the Mocha, Mocha! We like the Mocha, Mocha!" That ought to make her laugh.

New computer. From Raina, too. Like we need another computer. But this one is Windows 98. Most of our old games for the computer are in this category and won't run on our newer computers. So now Andrew has a whole host of Pre-school through 6th grade games that we thought we'd be getting rid of. Science, math, reading, puzzles, creativity, coordination. All sorts of good stuff. Andrew is only a little more excited than Josh. AND, they can play the old Frogger. Be still my heart!

So what's on for today? Shoveling! Lots of shoveling.

Andrew gets to play Alphabet Bingo. And 7 Pieces - I don't think they make it anymore, but it's an awesome game. There are 7 pieces of hard, purple plastic, in traditional shapes (square, triangle, etc.). Andrew made a rabbit out of them yesterday. The biggest challenge? Make a square out of all the pieces. I believe it is Asian in origin, but don't quote me on that.

Probably no Science with Ted - too much snow.

So test on Module 11, 'Steve' (the name given to our Government book), Spelling, Grammar. We'll see how we do. Physics. Checkbook balancing on Microsoft Money (Daniel).

For Bible? I don't know - Becca's not here! Praying for something special for Andrew who wants to read the Bible every 5 minutes. (Not that I'm complaining, mind you - there could be much worse obsessions!) I'm leaning toward an introduction to Individuality, which he already has heard a lot of. Bible will be the only officially PA lesson we do today, although Government follows PA in the text.

Andrew's math lesson? He wanted to know how many days he has been alive. And he wants to learn about plants. Yesterday we looked at pictures of the life cycle of moss, ferns, flowers and trees. Since we just watched the Bee movie, he was particularly interested in how bees spread pollen. Today he wants to learn about we go. He wants to explain the 1st and 2nd Continental Congresses to our co-op...You know - I think he'll pull it off! He is currently talking a lot about writing computer games. Not sure if that's because we're setting up computers, or if that's a clue of his future.

I am studying 'Steve' to prepare for Monday's class. It's very interesting. The Political Principles of the Founders is the name of the section. Federalism, the different forms of a Republic, and our American form of Republicanism. Lots more. Tocqueville's view of the American 'experiment.' His view is worth quoting, and I may do that in my 'conscience' blog, because much of his amazement with our form of government had to do with that, from what I've seen so far.

I would really like to engage Daniel a little more in our lessons. He's very quiet and seems to be in his own world so much of the time. The subject that seems to fascinate him the most is Science. Right now he's studying health, and he tells me all the time about what he has read, not as a matter of reporting on the text, but 'in the moment' when the particular subject comes up. For instance, he told Becca to sit up straighter because her posture was not good and it would cause her problems. Hm. I think my next task for him is to get Human Physiology prepared. I'll teach it to all of the kids, because they need to know how the body works (we're fearfully and wonderfully made). But my focus will be on Daniel, as I currently understand God's direction in it.

Time to correct Jon's Grammar, and teach Drew about amphibians....Off I go.

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