Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Teaching is so much fun!

Monday's class was cancelled - due to, I'm fairly certain, a prompting from the Holy Spirit. I kept thinking that I wanted to do class, but felt that I wasn't supposed to. Not having anything in particular to base that on, I waited until the last minute. By that time, my husband was staying home, having strained his back, 'big' snow was coming (we only got about 5 inches), and then I got a call from Georgia that I needed to spend the morning taking care of the medication fiasco that my mother was experiencing. So I spent the morning on the phone, the fax or email to try to help get her taken care of. I'm so frustrated with the medical community! The doctor put her on Zoloft, for depression (which I still need to research so we know what side affects to watch for) and the order was MIS-READ. So the packaging company is packaging it wrong, according to the original order and she's getting TWICE the dose she was supposed to. She's confused and disoriented and she even fell last week, and didn't break her fall. Fortunately she didn't break a bone. Or worse. When I called, the receptionist got on it right away and sent in new orders. However, because Mom's doctor has changed in the interim, the packaging company won't recognize the get the picture. So they are currently overdosing her because no one wants to take responsibility. Never mind that they MIS-READ the original orders and they aren't even following THAT! As they say about lawyers, 90% of the medical profession give the rest a bad name. Ok, no more ranting. Today she sees her new doctor and the new orders will be put through...

Tuesday's co-op was fun - I enjoy this link in the COC the most, I think. We began with Jesus' teaching on Government. I had a lesson plan all ready...wouldn't you know it, a child asked a question and we took a tangent, then another question or statement came up, and off we went again. So I only hit one point on my lesson plan. This is why I write outlines. I rarely write a solid lesson plan anymore - because I rarely follow it. Children are very perceptive and they ask the best questions! I like my lesson plans to be fueled by questions as well, and it's fun to see the gears working behind their eyes. The leading idea was met, in part, and will continue next week. Part of the lesson plan included a brief look at the Letter and the Spirit of the Law - thanks to my helper, Priscilla.

I'm really leaning toward having a Boston Tea Party event for this group. I think the boys would love it. Who doesn't like an opportunity to play act an event in History? Ok, well, some might not, I'll admit, but these boys will love it. Every year I like to have at least one event to get the students involved in the history. One year we did a Pilgrim play and had a wonderful artist (thank you very much, Bri!) paint a backdrop for the Mayflower. It was fun. We even invited the community to come and watch. This group is younger, though, and the details of the play would be cumbersome for them, unless we shortened it. Maybe next year, with Kim's permission, since she wrote the script. I am surrounded by a host of talented people! One year, I really want to do a New England Town Hall Meeting...I think the kids would really like that, too. Another one I'd like to do is a section of a Shakespeare play.

Next week, I'd like to begin reports - I've left a link on the website, "Patriots" to give some guidelines for what opportunities there are for study.

Today? Major book work! Apologia Science, Grammar, Math, Spelling, Reading, History & Geography. Whatever we can get to. First order of business? Bible and prayer. Ok, maybe breakfast is first...

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