My house is a mess!
I'm about a month out from now it's that last stretch to the finish line, the kind that narrows your focus and causes everything but your goal to fade away, almost nonexistent in the background.
I've got a title, two stories, one which still needs its conclusion, and possibly an artist for the cover. I still need to complete 2 interviews, write up a commentary for the appendix, write the legend that introduces the stories and find an editor...
Title: Stoning the Crows
Story 1: Operation Scarecrowe
Story 2: View from the Crowe's Nest
This is a little rough, but it's close:
Jacket teaser (or whatever you call that blurb...):
Mike Malone was a good cop. A little unorthodox, a little too close to the edge on many occasions, and a little too cocky for his own good. But he was a good cop, nonetheless. He had the good fortune to possess everyman’s face. A little alteration here and there, and his own mother would not recognize him. A quick study, he became his new persona, shedding all evidence of his real self. And this fact would prove to be his biggest challenge…
What's odd is that the locations I picked, not having EVER been to New Jersey, are accurate representations of the history portrayed in my story. Hm. How does that happen? Was I led by the Holy Spirit is this endeavor? We shall see...
My 10yo dd is also writing a story, which I will focus on next, so that she can publish too. It's about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. She's a little stuck on Judas Iscariot at the moment, but we'll jump that hurdle shortly. I'm happy that my work has also inspired her. And I think she can do her own artwork - she's pretty good!
Back to making my house LOOK orderly, even if it isn't at the moment...
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