Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Providence in the little things...

Over the last month or so, my 14ds (yes, the one who hit the deer...) has experienced Providence in little things, that may even seem insignificant to him. It's one of those 'wow!, God cares about that?!' moments. These are memorial stones for him; reminders that God really does care about every detail.

Yesterday was one of those moments. He needed a chiropractor treatment. I suggested that he call and ask if the Dr. had any work for him, to pay for the treatment. Of course, he didn't call. But then, this morning, bright and early, the Dr. called to ask if Josh had time to work for him...go figure! It's stuff like this that sometimes reaches in and grabs hold of our hearts. The hugely miraculous is fun and often an adrenaline rush. But Jesus even said that some will not believe even if someone was raised from the dead. The little stuff of life, stirred by God's Hand...the regular stuff...that's what draws us to His heart.

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