Monday, August 18, 2008

Just over 2 weeks...

...until school starts for us. Many have already started, it seems, in our area.

We are currently clearning our land (2 acres) of slash and dead Aspens. A few dead pines. And we're praying over our beetles, please!

I got a bug to's all the deputy's fault! And my friend, Tish's. But my 10yo dd wants her room painted, lavenders. And the new theme is black-eyed susans. So I also have two shades of green and a yellow, in order to paint stencils. I found a really cool stencil of the pretty flowers. I was searching for something for 'the deputy' (Sorry, his name has to be left out), because he likes black-eyed susans, and we fell in love with them. Do you know, it's hard to find paintings or photos or decor in black-eyed susans that is affordable?? I found some that were over $800! I just wanted to send him a thank you, thank you very much. I finally found something - hope he likes it. Hard to tell with someone you just met - even though I think of him as 'everyone's favorite brother.'

When dd's room is done, I'll move on to the kitchen, and then maybe the downstairs family room, aka 'boys' room.' My kitchen theme will include black-eyed susans, too, along with pine cones. I love the pine cones that fall around our house.

I got carrots! Well, ok, I got a whole whopping 3 of them. But it's a start! Don't laugh! I have a black thumb, and I actually got something to grow... The broccoli is growing nicely, but I lost the spinach. We'll see what happens with the red beets, and the beans are taking over the side of my house. I don't know how I'll move them inside - shoulda built a green house!

I'm excited about school starting. But I'll be better when my mother is settled. The kids have already started their work, even though I'm not directing! Boo-yah!

We had an awesome sermon on Sunday - Ps 63:1-8. My dh mentioned that one preacher, when asked why so many came to hear him preach in the tent meetings, said that they come to 'watch him burn.' It was that way on Sunday. There was so much passion behind the message that you could almost see the flames catching on the whole group. I'm going to get a copy of the tape so we can hear him again. Kyle is a man who knows how to preach/teach. We all left feeling a lot like I did after spending time with 'the deputy.' Motivated. Encouraged. In awe of God.

Oh God, you are my God.
Earnestly will I seek you.

Like Enoch, I want to seek Him, simply because I can do nothing else. We serve God because He's awesome. One look and I want to 'stick to Him like glue.' A moment with Him inspires a devotion to be with Him even more. I want to be like Luther, who said "Here I stand. I can do no other." - I'll have to check the quote on that, but it's close.

Cool! God is awesome!

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