Monday, August 11, 2008

Ride along with a Deputy

I went on a ride along last Thursday. It was more than cool. It has, literally, changed me. I was becoming a little stagnant, a little fuzzy around the edges. God has used this experience to bring focus back to my life. He has renewed my vision by allowing me to come in contact with these men who are of such character that their presence elicited awe.

I wrote a 'report' after the fact, but I can't publish it until I change names and places. I'll get to that later this week.

I'm going to this every 6 months from now on. This is no longer about writing my book, although my writing has become more focused too. It is about becoming a part of the community who can make a difference. I will never be a Deputy or a Fire Fighter. But I can, in the years to come, put my name on a list of people who can be called at all hours of the day or night to come and help in a local disaster.

I'll post my rewrite of the 'report' later.

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